Persons admitted into the Institute shall posses adequate knowledge, experience and qualifications in the science of commerce and other related disciplines specified and to be enrolled in the category of:
(a) Fellows (b) Members (c) Associates
(a) as fellows, if they satisfy the council within the period of not less than five years immediately preceding their enrollment that-
i) They are fit and proper persons,
(ii) They are holders of approved academic qualifications,
(iii) They have been continuously active as professional commercial administrators in the public or private sectors of the economy and as members of the institute; or
(b) as members, if for the period of not less than five years, immediately preceding their enrollment in the institute, have gained commercial experience after being admitted ad an associate member or holds postgraduate qualification, found to be fit and proper persons, and as may be approved in the discretion of the Council; or
(c) as associate members, if they satisfy that they have passed the mandatory final examination conducted by the Institute, hold equivalent qualifications from recognized institutions of higher education and are otherwise howsoever found to be fit and proper persons by the Council.
(3) All newly admitted members into the grades of members and associates shall undergo membership induction programmes before the confirmation of their admission into such grades.
(4) The following are the order of precedence and designated titular abbreviations for-
(a) a fellow of Chartered Institute Of Commerce Of Nigeria, which shall be FCICN;
(b) a Member of the Institute of Commerce of Nigeria, which shall be MCICN, AND
(c) an Associate of the Institute of Commerce of Nigeria, which shall be ACICN.
Direct election into the fellowship grade.
(a) Doctorate Degree in management and finance.
(b) It is also granted to members with five years working experience, and
(c) By discretion of the Executive Council to Businessmen/women of high repute (Honorary).
(5) Graduates and students registered for training shall become professional members only after satisfying specified qualification requirements for membership as prescribed by the Council or as bye-laws of the Institute.
Corporate Membership
The Corporate membership of the Institute is open to corporate bodies and institutions of Higher learning that prepare candidates for our Examinations. Companies that engage in the distributive trade, manufacture, agriculture, the banks and financial institutions, chambers of commerce, fishing industries, the service industries such as management and business consultancy, advertising and public relation Practitioners etc. are qualified to join the Institutes Corporate Membership.
Grade of Corporate Membership
GRADE ‘A’ Companies with staff strength of 250 and above shall be registered into category ‘A’
GRADE ‘B’ Companies with staff strength of between 100 and 250
GRADE ‘C’ Companies with staff strength below 100
Benefit of Corporate Membership
Corporate members enjoy tremendous benefits from the Institute. The Institute acts as a clearinghouse for exchange of ideas on the practice of commerce, and as such trade formation both foreign and local are passed to corporate members free of charge. The Manpower Development Division also engages in the re-training of personnel of members and enjoys manpower recruitment services free of charge.