Chartered Institute Of Commerce Of Nigeria is Nigeria’s
largest professional body in Commerce. It has been dedicated to the promotion
and development of Commercial/Business Education throughout Nigeria, West Africa
and the world at large. Fostering the Professional Capabilities of Persons
involved in Commercial Administration in the Federation.
It was officially launched at the University of Lagos on 24th November 1979. The
Institute is a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal. An
independent, non Political, non-profit making professional organization.
The Institute maintains an association of professionally qualified men and women
in the fields of Commerce, Industry and manufacture for the promotion and
advancement of Trade and Industry. The Institute has professional training and
qualifying examination scheme, which provides adequate skilled manpower locally
and internationally in all aspects of commerce oriented to the Nigerian
conditions in particular and the world in general.
The Objects Of The Institute:
(a) Determining what standards of knowledge and skill are to be attained by
persons seeking to become registered members of the Institute and reviewing
those standards from time to time as circumstances may require;
(b) Secure, in accordance with the provisions of this Act the establishment and
maintenance of a register of students, associates, members and fellows of the
Institute and the publication from time to time of a list of those members;
(c) Regulating and controlling the practice of professional commercial
administration in all its ramifications;
(d) Organize and conduct examinations, from time to time, in commerce and other
related subjects to the profession for the purposes of admitting members to the
Institute, enhancing their status therein, and issue membership certificates to
persons admitted;
(e) Secure the professional status necessary for the promotion and encouragement
of the study and advancement of the science of commerce, knowledge and
efficiency in commercial administration in the public and private sectors of the
Nigeria economy;
(f) Maintain, in accordance with this Act, professional discipline, protect the
interests of members through the provision of professional consultative advice
and the issue of journals and other publications, organization and conduct of
seminars, workshops, conferences, etc.; and
(g) Do such other things that are incidental and supplementary to the foregoing
objects of the Institute.