Conflict Resolution Strategy: A Remedy to Internal Conflict among Mega Churches Workers in Nigeria
June 12, 2022
June 13, 2022


Oyerinde Olugbenga O.1 and Ishola S. Ademola2

Azteca University1, Department of Business Administration and University of Lagos2, Department of Business Administration


The word motivation is derived from the Latin word motus, a form of the verb which means to influence, move, excite and affect. By motivation we then mean the degree to which a person is moved or aroused to act. Motivation is the set of psychological processes that cause the arousal, direction, and persistence of individual’s behaviours toward attaining a goal. Motivation is one of the most important concepts of psychology and very vital for the managers who direct the growth of his subordinates towards worthwhile goals. The transfer of control is best supported by an organization environment that is “organized to encourage and support a continued, increasingly mature and comprehensive acceptance of responsibilities for one’s own performance” (Richard & Aquilino, 2016). Rafikul and Ahmad, (2008) which confirms that the lack of employee motivation within an institution results in the under-utilization of the potential and skills of employees since they feel that their efforts are not being rewarded in a fair fashion. A motivated and qualified workforce is essential for any organization that seeks to increase customer satisfaction. In this context, motivation means the willingness of an individual to do efforts and take action towards organizational goals.



Employed motivation has always been a central problem for leaders and managers. Unmotivated employees are likely to spend little or no effort in their jobs, avoid workplace as much as, possible, exit the organization if given the opportunity and produce low quality work on the other hand, employees who feel motivated to work are likely to be persistent, creative and productive, turning out high quality work that they willingly undertake.

Motivation is a person’s internal disposition to be concern with and approach positive incentive and avoid negative incentives. To further this, the incentives is the anticipated reward or aversive event available in the environment. While motivation can often be used as a tool to help predict behavior it various growth among individuals and must often be combined with ability and environmental factors to actually influence behavior and performance. Because of motivation is role in influencing work place behavior and performance it is key for organizations to understand and to structure the work environment to encourage productive behaviors and discourage those that are unproductive. It is however, costly mistake to get lost in the false theory that more money equals happy employed. Believing this is costing you valuable times, revenue employed and even threatening your own job. Cash will always be a major factor in motivating people and a solid compensation plan is critical to attracting and keeping key personnel. But the key is that additional cash is not always the only answer and in many cases not even the best answer.

With solid compensation in place, there are non-monetary motivation steps to success. When your employed accomplish something they have achieved something your recognition is appreciation for that achievement most managers don’t give enough recognition because they don’t got enough then ‘fore it doesn’t come natural to do it. If this applies to you, you need to drop this excuse like a bad habit.

One other anal motivation factor is training is training ever finished? Can you possibly over train? No and No. For whatever reasons, too many people fell my people have already been trained or “I’ve got good people………. they only need on little training.  But training never ends. It is also necessary to show career path. Your employed need to know what potential is ahead for them, what opportunities there for their growth. This issue is a sometimes forgotten ingredients as to the importance it plays in the overall motivation of people.


The finding from the present study has indicated that in spite of the fret, the several models of employees’ motivation are concerned with increasing employees and organizational productivity.

Workers need are well known, yet adequate effort towards meeting them are hardly ever successful. This is because jobs and the environment in which they are performed are seldom designed to satisfy the needs of the workers fully. In the public sector, the motive of the employer is to provide social service while in the private sector, it is to make profit in both cases, workers may be exploited to meet the employers objectives Amaechi (1984). It is imperative that all employees should be adequately motivated in order to ensure their continuous commitment to goals of the employers.

The study has also resulted in linkages between the socio economic states of workers or employees and the level of their job satisfaction which has often culminated into the high turnover rate. This is currently experienced among personnel working in organizations.

It needs to be burned in mind that employees are human being and it is necessary for them to earn enough to enable them take care of themselves and their dependents, the value system in the country should bear in mind that a mere increase in salaries may not make much difference in the life of employees and management should also take note.


This research work is a review of motivation of employees at Nestle Plc, meanwhile, we have been able to stress the fact that the importance of human effort in an organization cannot be over emphasized, hence to effectively and efficiently achieve the objectives of any organization, the motivated employees must be given a specific priority and accordingly coordinated. It is the job of the management to make employees happy since it is happy workers that assumed to be productive.

However, the following recommendation will survive:

The management of every organization should be willing and ready to learn more about motivating of factors, by so doing they will help in upgrading and developing of their managerial skills in order to get the best their employees. The management must win the confidence of the workers and one important factors is the right environment, which will create the right physiological climate. Motivation of employees for higher productivity should be a dynamic process in early organization. Moreover, the working environment should be made more conducive for employees since this will also serve as a motivation factor for improving the performance of employees. Manager should always embark on training of their employees. This will strengthen the skill possess. The management need to be specific on the job title you are tapping the self-esteem of people. How someone feels about the way they are renewed in workforce is a critical component to overall attitude and morale. The management should adopt the suggestion scheme or opinion pool in order to access the feeling f their workforce. The manager should set career path within the organization. Do your promotion within before considered an outsider. If this is done, you are sending a very positive message to everyone that there are indeed further career opportunities within your organization.

Contributions to Knowledge

  1. Employee performances are the main considerations of the previous research which was on the introduction of employee motivation to organisation sustainability among SMEs in Lagos State, Nigeria.
  1. The study developed a conceptual framework that can be used to understand the link between employee motivations, employee performance and organisation sustainability among SMEs in Lagos State, Nigeria.
  2. The study revealed the influence of employee performance on organisation sustainability among SMEs in Lagos State, Nigeria.
  3. The study demonstrated that employee motivation is a critical factor influencing organisation sustainability among SMEs in Lagos State.
  4. The demonstrated the both employee motivation and employee performance jointly impacts on organisation sustainability among SMEs in Lagos State.

Suggestions for Further Studies

Results above clearly shows that many research works have been done in this particular area of study which mostly revealed that priority were given to the employee motivation to achieve employee better performance because it leads to organization sustainability. Meanwhile the research also recommends some areas for further studies which are area like. The challenges of the employee motivation in achieving organization sustainability through employee performance, the process of employee motivation and the way of integrating the into the organisation sustainability, meanwhile other estimating technique should be used to justify if researchers can get different or similarity of the results. Additionally, suggestion was also made that considerations should also be given to the research method so as to enable the organisation to have different method achieving organisation sustainability.

 Limitations of the Study

This research was limited to Lagos State in Nigeria and other researchers can work on South-West, Eastern part or Northern part of Nigeria or the work to cover any of the six geo political zone of Nigeria. Researchers can compare two or more states SMEs performance while motivating the employee. The research also encounters different challenges which are beyond the control and capacity of the researcher and this serve as the limitations to the research work. Some areas whereby the researcher face limitations were about giving the access into some organization in the research environment even after submitting letter of approval from the SMEs owners or their managers, having access to the owners or managers and getting their attention were really a serious challenges because they are the one to help in responding to the research instruments. The reluctance of most SMEs owner/manager in attending to the research instrument because of their busy schedule also were really challenges from the researcher.

Contact Demola on 08137474442 for complete paper

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